Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Beginning

So, I can't think of a good title for this blog, so I guess it will just be dots for now.

Life right now is...interesting, and full of changes that need to be made. As much as I try to be flexible, I'm discovering that change is difficult. I can know in my head that these things need to happen, but then I start to over-analyze everything. I know that I'm caring too much about what others think, and not enough about what I know I need to do.

I don't have a permanent job right now, and that's been pretty hard. I get tired of everyone asking the same question: "So, do you have a job?". I know that these are all well-meaning people, but it doesn't change the feelings of failure that come up when I have to answer no. I have to keep reminding myself that things happen in God's time, and not my own. I'm not in control.

This post has all been kind of negative, so I'll end with this. I'm so thankful for people in my life who are willing to listen, and remind me that I will be ok. As much as I know this, I still need to hear it. :)

1 comment:

Sarah T. Arra said...

I know something will come along. It's hard waiting. I delt with those questions for about a year and half and now that I finally have a job I get them about if I have a boyfriend. I have learned that we have to be satisfied with our lives because no one else ever is. I love you girl!